Did you know that an average blog causes 3.6kg (8lb.) of carbon dioxide emissions, due primarily to the immense energy usage from (mainframe) computers, servers, and their cooling systems? Did you also know that the atmosphere can be relieved by an average of 5kg (11lb.) carbon dioxide every year by planting one tree.  Since a tree lives for an average of 50 years, carbon dioxide emissions of a blog can be completely neutralised for this time period.*

We at T³ are honoured to support and be a part of the “My blog is carbon neutral”  initiative by KaufDA, which aims to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and carbon footprints of blogs/websites by planting a tree for every participating blog/website. Through this noble programme, a tree will be planted for T³ in Plumas National Forest in Northern California, thereby reducing this blog's carbon footprint for the next 50 years.

Mother Earth will be so proud....


*source: www.kaufda.de